16s Microbiome Analysis Workflow (CLT with ALDEx2)

An example to analyze 16s microbiome sequences for taxonomy and functional prediction. From raw fastq files to taxonomic information and functional prediction using QIIME2, DADA2, PICRUSt2, ALDEx2, vegan... Read More

16s Microbiome Analysis Workflow (DADA2+Phyloseq)

An example to analyze 16s microbiome sequences for taxonomy and functional prediction. From raw fastq files to taxonomic information using QIIME2 (optional), DADA2, Phyloseq, PICRUSt2, vegan... (manuscript in preperation, contact me for details)

Multi-omics Analysis Workflow for gut microbiome

An example to integrate and analyze 16s and WGS sequences of gut microbiome, and non-targeted metabolomics. Statistical analysis and machine learning models were used for functional prediction and exploration. Read More

Metaproteomics of microbial extracellular vesicles.

Currently under development. The tool will be used to construct metaproteomics of microbial extracellular vesicles from non-targeted MS/MS proteomics.(contact me for details)

BacAlign: a bacterial small RNA sequence alignment pipeline.

A pipline to analyze sRNA seqeuncing from host isolation and discover novel small RNA from microbial extracellular vesicles. The workflow has been successfully employed. The package is under development. (contact me for details)